Icoana sculptata in lemn - Maica Domnului - Zid nesurpat , ce te apara de vrajmasi

Icoanele sculptate din lemnsunt un cadou rafinat si fain pentru orice ocazie - nunta, botez, aniversare, zile de nastere, ca amintire si ca expresie a recunostintei. A darui o icoana sculptata in lemn este o urare simbolica de prosperitate, sanatate si protectie din partea Puterilor Superioare.

Icoanele sculptate in lemn sunt autentice, realizate din materiale naturale si de calitate, din lemn de foioase precum tei, sicomor, nuc, frasin. Acest lucru le face sa fie atemporale si sa imbatraneasca frumos, sporindu-le valoarea emotionala si pretiozitatea. In ciuda anilor care au trecut, imaginile raman neschimbate si mereu atat de emotionante.

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348,08 lei

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Размер30х15 см.
Feluri de icoaneСвета Богородица

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Orice icoana sculptata in lemn de la 7cutii.com a trecut prin mai multe etape de procesare si ore de munca manuala. Rezultatul final este reprezentat de imagini vibrante si colorate. Relieful da profunzime imaginilor. Icoanele sculptate in lemn devin evocatoare si ating cele mai adanci colturi ale sufletului.

Icoanele sculptate in lemn au aplicate finisaje, pe baza de terebentina si ceara, pentru a le pastra si a evidentia frumusetea naturala a lemnului folosit.

Sculpturile sunt realizate din bucati de lemn masiv, sau lipite intre ele si nu sunt repetabile, astfel incat produsele pot avea mici diferente de marime, culoare si texturi fata de imaginile prezentate pe 7cutii.com. De asemenea, ecranul dvs. poate modifica culorile imaginilor si este posibil sa existe o diferenta de culoare nesubstantiala la primirea efectiva. Icoanele sculptate in lemn sunt unice in originea lor si nu pot fi complet identice.

Icoanele sculptate in lemn au o gaura, facuta pentru agatare.

Timp de productie: se va preciza telefonic, dar timpul maxim este de pana la 7-10 zile de la acceptarea comenzii de catre colaboratorul nostru.

Toate imaginile sunt supuse drepturilor de autor. Imaginile sunt proprietatea firmei Ivet-M Ltd si nu pot fi copiate sau distribuite.


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FROM ps_smpl_redirection r, ps_smpl_redirection_shop rs
WHERE r.id_redirection = rs.id_redirection
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12.7 1735 Yes Yes /modules/smplredirectionsmanager/classes/SmplTools.php:128
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12.7 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
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product_attribute_shop.minimal_quantity AS product_attribute_minimal_quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`,
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il.`legend` as legend, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, cl.`name` AS category_default,
DATEDIFF(product_shop.`date_add`, DATE_SUB("2025-02-19 00:00:00",
INTERVAL 60 DAY)) > 0 AS new, product_shop.price AS orderprice
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ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`
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ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1) LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` product_attribute_shop
ON (p.`id_product` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product` AND product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1 AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop=1)
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ON (product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category`
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LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il
ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image`
AND il.`id_lang` = 2)
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m
ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`
WHERE product_shop.`id_shop` = 1
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LIMIT 0,100
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6 3920 /classes/module/Module.php:2141
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5.3 52649536 /classes/DateRange.php:49
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ORDER BY hm.position
4 403 /classes/Hook.php:235
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3 7675 /override/classes/Product.php:127
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ORDER BY cl.name ASC
2.4 244 Yes /classes/Country.php:130
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ON (module_shop.id_module = m.id_module AND module_shop.id_shop = 1 AND module_shop.enable_device & 1)
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INNER JOIN `ps_hook_module` hm ON hm.`id_module` = m.`id_module`
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ORDER BY hm.`position`
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ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
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LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cg ON c.`id_category` = cg.`id_category`
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WHERE 1  AND `id_lang` = 2
AND cg.`id_group` IN (1)
GROUP BY c.`id_category`
ORDER BY c.`level_depth` ASC
, category_shop.`position` ASC
1.9 59 Yes Yes /classes/Category.php:584
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 69 AND `id_shop` = 1
1.9 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, (
SELECT id_module
FROM `ps_module_shop` ms
WHERE m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
) as mshop
FROM `ps_module` m
1.8 110 /classes/module/Module.php:277
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
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1.8 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
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LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 71) LIMIT 1
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1.7 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:487
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, (
SELECT id_module
FROM `ps_module_shop` ms
WHERE m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
) as mshop
FROM `ps_module` m
1.6 110 /classes/module/Module.php:277
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26789)
1.6 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
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1.6 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:183
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1.6 2527 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:230
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INNER JOIN  `ps_quantity_discount_rule_condition` qdrc ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrc.`id_quantity_discount_rule`)
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1.5 7 /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:247
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1.5 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:183
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26826) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
1.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
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`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
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AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.5 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26791) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.4 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26806) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.4 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_category` c
INNER JOIN ps_category_shop category_shop
ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.id_shop = 1 
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cg ON c.`id_category` = cg.`id_category`
RIGHT JOIN `ps_category` c2 ON c2.`id_category` = 51 AND c.`nleft` >= c2.`nleft` AND c.`nright` <= c2.`nright`
WHERE 1  AND `id_lang` = 2
AND cg.`id_group` IN (1)
GROUP BY c.`id_category`
ORDER BY c.`level_depth` ASC
, category_shop.`position` ASC
1.4 59 Yes Yes /classes/Category.php:584
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`link_rewrite`,
pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`,
image_shop.`id_image` id_image, il.`legend`, m.`name` as manufacturer_name, cl.`name` AS category_default, IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute, 0) id_product_attribute,
"2025-02-19 00:00:00",
) > 0 AS new
FROM `ps_accessory`
LEFT JOIN `ps_product` p ON p.`id_product` = `id_product_2`
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` product_attribute_shop
ON (p.`id_product` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product` AND product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1 AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl ON (
p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`
AND pl.`id_lang` = 2 AND pl.id_shop = 1 
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (
product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category`
AND cl.`id_lang` = 2 AND cl.id_shop = 1 
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_shop` image_shop
ON (image_shop.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND image_shop.cover=1 AND image_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 2)
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m ON (p.`id_manufacturer`= m.`id_manufacturer`)
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available stock
ON (stock.id_product = p.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = 0 AND stock.id_shop = 1  AND stock.id_shop_group = 0  )
WHERE `id_product_1` = 26798 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` != 'none'
GROUP BY product_shop.id_product
1.4 2 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3598
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
(`template_hash`, `cache_id`, `compile_id`, `last_update`)
VALUES ('6c3b7ea0ab2edde66729f86a838a62af',"crossselling|productfooter|26798|1|1|1|36","", FROM_UNIXTIME(1739962484))
1.4 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:263
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26801) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.4 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 46 AND `id_shop` = 1
1.4 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gs.*, s.*, gs.name AS group_name, s.name AS shop_name, s.active, su.domain, su.domain_ssl, su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri
FROM ps_shop_group gs
LEFT JOIN ps_shop s
ON s.id_shop_group = gs.id_shop_group
LEFT JOIN ps_shop_url su
ON s.id_shop = su.id_shop AND su.main = 1
WHERE s.deleted = 0
AND gs.deleted = 0
ORDER BY gs.name, s.name
1.4 1 Yes /classes/shop/Shop.php:663
UPDATE `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
SET filepath='productscategory/26798/66/1/1/1/36/51/bd/49/51bd4921f78fbf8db623826e296c07e4a9c9cd31.productscategory.tpl.php'
WHERE `template_hash`='df5a7149665d48923b3ceaa9c0e7ba5c' AND cache_id="productscategory|26798|66|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id=""
1.3 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:183
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_hook`, `name`
FROM `ps_hook`
SELECT `id_hook`, ha.`alias` as name
FROM `ps_hook_alias` ha
INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON ha.name = h.name
1.3 0 /classes/Hook.php:131
FROM `ps_category` c
INNER JOIN ps_category_shop category_shop
ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.id_shop = 1 
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cg ON c.`id_category` = cg.`id_category`
RIGHT JOIN `ps_category` c2 ON c2.`id_category` = 33 AND c.`nleft` >= c2.`nleft` AND c.`nright` <= c2.`nright`
WHERE 1  AND `id_lang` = 2
AND cg.`id_group` IN (1)
GROUP BY c.`id_category`
ORDER BY c.`level_depth` ASC
, category_shop.`position` ASC
1.3 11 Yes Yes /classes/Category.php:584
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
(`template_hash`, `cache_id`, `compile_id`, `last_update`)
VALUES ('578a6051d55765343abf7ea2b52ca7a3',"blocktopmenu|1|1|1|36|product|26798","", FROM_UNIXTIME(1739962483))
1.3 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:263
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26832) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.3 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
1.3 379 Yes /classes/Country.php:137
( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26798) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
ORDER BY `from_quantity` ASC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC
1.2 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:419
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 53) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
1.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26818
ORDER BY f.position ASC
1.2 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26812) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
1.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26785) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.2 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26812) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46437) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.2 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.id_lang, cl.name, cl.description, cl.link_rewrite, cl.meta_title, cl.meta_keywords, cl.meta_description
FROM `ps_category` c
INNER JOIN ps_category_shop category_shop
ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND `id_lang` = 2  AND cl.id_shop = 1 )
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = c.`id_category`)
WHERE `id_parent` = 66
AND `active` = 1
AND cg.`id_group` =1
GROUP BY c.`id_category`
ORDER BY `level_depth` ASC, category_shop.`position` ASC
1.1 1 Yes Yes /classes/Category.php:656
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26784
ORDER BY f.position ASC
1.1 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26805) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
1.1 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
INSERT INTO `ps_connections` (`id_guest`, `id_page`, `ip_address`, `http_referer`, `id_shop`, `id_shop_group`, `date_add`) VALUES ('10702293', '7833', '308350546', '', '1', '1', '2025-02-19 12:54:44')
1.1 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:487
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26797) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.1 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
(`template_hash`, `cache_id`, `compile_id`, `last_update`)
VALUES ('df5a7149665d48923b3ceaa9c0e7ba5c',"productscategory|26798|66|1|1|1|36","", FROM_UNIXTIME(1739962483))
1.1 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:263
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE cusi.value, CONCAT(cust.id_product, "_", cust.id_product_attribute, "_", cust.id_cart) as value_key
FROM `ps_customization` cust
LEFT JOIN `ps_customized_data` cusi ON cust.id_customization = cusi.id_customization
WHERE cusi.type = 1
1.1 323 /override/classes/Product.php:145
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26787) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.1 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 70 AND `id_shop` = 1
1.1 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26792) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
1.1 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26794) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.1 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26835) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1.1 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26831
ORDER BY f.position ASC
1.1 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26791
ORDER BY f.position ASC
1 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 20113
ORDER BY f.position ASC
1 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26798) LIMIT 1
1 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 45) LIMIT 1
1 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26836) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46479) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26805) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 74 AND `id_shop` = 1
1 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 39 AND `id_shop` = 1
1 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26793) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26789
ORDER BY f.position ASC
1 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_theme` a
WHERE (a.`id_theme` = 5) LIMIT 1
1 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26826) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46465) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
1 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_connections_page` (`id_connections`, `id_page`, `time_start`) VALUES ('5463229', '7833', '2025-02-19 12:54:44')
1 1 /classes/Connection.php:106
JOIN ps_lang_shop lang_shop ON (lang_shop.id_lang = l.id_lang AND lang_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE l.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1
1 9 /classes/Language.php:892
FROM `ps_tax_rule` tr
JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group` trg ON (tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = trg.`id_tax_rules_group`)
WHERE trg.`active` = 1
AND tr.`id_country` = 36
AND tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = 1
AND tr.`id_state` IN (0, 0)
AND ('0' BETWEEN tr.`zipcode_from` AND tr.`zipcode_to`
OR (tr.`zipcode_to` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` IN(0, '0')))
ORDER BY tr.`zipcode_from` DESC, tr.`zipcode_to` DESC, tr.`id_state` DESC, tr.`id_country` DESC
1 1 Yes /classes/tax/TaxRulesTaxManager.php:108
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26798) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
1 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE s.id_shop, CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri) AS uri, su.domain, su.main
FROM ps_shop_url su
LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON (s.id_shop = su.id_shop)
WHERE (su.domain = '7cutii.com' OR su.domain_ssl = '7cutii.com')
AND s.active = 1
AND s.deleted = 0
ORDER BY LENGTH(CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri)) DESC
0.9 1 Yes /classes/shop/Shop.php:334
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26808
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.9 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26805)
0.9 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26829) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46471) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 46) LIMIT 1
0.9 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 44 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.9 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26834) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.9 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26813) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46439) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26837) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46481) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26792) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26796) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26807) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46427) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26811) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.9 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri, su.domain, su.domain_ssl, t.id_theme, t.name, t.directory
FROM ps_shop s
LEFT JOIN ps_shop_url su ON (s.id_shop = su.id_shop)
LEFT JOIN ps_theme t ON (t.id_theme = s.id_theme)
WHERE s.id_shop = 1
AND s.active = 1 AND s.deleted = 0 AND su.main = 1 LIMIT 1
0.9 1 /classes/shop/Shop.php:202
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 20113) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_currency` c
INNER JOIN ps_currency_shop currency_shop
ON (currency_shop.id_currency = c.id_currency AND currency_shop.id_shop = 1) WHERE `deleted` = 0 AND c.`active` = 1 ORDER BY `name` ASC
0.9 9 Yes /classes/Currency.php:231
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `name` FROM `ps_supplier` WHERE `id_supplier` = 0 LIMIT 1
0.9 0 /classes/Supplier.php:192
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26834) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46477) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.page, ml.url_rewrite, ml.id_lang
FROM `ps_meta` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_meta_lang` ml ON (m.id_meta = ml.id_meta AND ml.id_shop = 1 )
ORDER BY LENGTH(ml.url_rewrite) DESC
0.9 39 Yes /classes/Dispatcher.php:452
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 43) LIMIT 1
0.9 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26786) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ag.`id_attribute_group`, ag.`is_color_group`, agl.`name` AS group_name, agl.`public_name` AS public_group_name,
a.`id_attribute`, al.`name` AS attribute_name, a.`color` AS attribute_color, product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`,
IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, product_attribute_shop.`price`, product_attribute_shop.`ecotax`, product_attribute_shop.`weight`,
product_attribute_shop.`default_on`, pa.`reference`, product_attribute_shop.`unit_price_impact`,
product_attribute_shop.`minimal_quantity`, product_attribute_shop.`available_date`, ag.`group_type`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available stock
ON (stock.id_product = pa.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = IFNULL(`pa`.id_product_attribute, 0) AND stock.id_shop = 1  AND stock.id_shop_group = 0  )
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = pa.`id_product_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (ag.`id_attribute_group` = a.`id_attribute_group`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl ON (ag.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group`)
INNER JOIN ps_attribute_shop attribute_shop
ON (attribute_shop.id_attribute = a.id_attribute AND attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 26798
AND al.`id_lang` = 2
AND agl.`id_lang` = 2
GROUP BY id_attribute_group, id_product_attribute
ORDER BY ag.`position` ASC, a.`position` ASC, agl.`name` ASC
0.9 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3513
0.9 1 /classes/shop/Shop.php:1067
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26823)
0.9 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26809) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.9 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 20113 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.9 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26814) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46441) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
(`template_hash`, `cache_id`, `compile_id`, `last_update`)
VALUES ('df5a7149665d48923b3ceaa9c0e7ba5c',"productscategory|26798|66|1|1|1|36","", FROM_UNIXTIME(1739962483))
0.8 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:263
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 70) LIMIT 1
0.8 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 47 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.8 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, (
SELECT id_module
FROM `ps_module_shop` ms
WHERE m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
) as mshop
FROM `ps_module` m
0.8 110 /classes/module/Module.php:277
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26784) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26804) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_image_type`
0.8 20 /classes/ImageType.php:143
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26811) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46435) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26802) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26824)
0.8 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26827) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46467) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26807)
0.8 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26808) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.8 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26798) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26792
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.8 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26816) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46445) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26802
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.8 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26789) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26806 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.8 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26833) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46475) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26828) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46469) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26819) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46451) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26838) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 2 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26830) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46473) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.id_cms, cl.link_rewrite, cl.meta_title
FROM ps_cms c
LEFT JOIN ps_cms_lang cl ON (c.id_cms = cl.id_cms AND cl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_cms_shop cms_shop
ON (cms_shop.id_cms = c.id_cms AND cms_shop.id_shop = 1)
AND c.id_cms IN (10) AND c.`active` = 1 GROUP BY c.id_cms
ORDER BY c.`position`
0.8 3 Yes /classes/CMS.php:103
FROM `ps_group` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_group_shop` `c` ON a.`id_group` = c.`id_group` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_group` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.8 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26809
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26831
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26809) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46431) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_country` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_country_lang` `b` ON a.`id_country` = b.`id_country` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_country_shop` `c` ON a.`id_country` = c.`id_country` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_country` = 36) LIMIT 1
0.8 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26838) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.8 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26794)
0.7 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_tax_rule` tr
JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group` trg ON (tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = trg.`id_tax_rules_group`)
WHERE trg.`active` = 1
AND tr.`id_country` = 36
AND tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = 15
AND tr.`id_state` IN (0, 0)
AND ('0' BETWEEN tr.`zipcode_from` AND tr.`zipcode_to`
OR (tr.`zipcode_to` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` IN(0, '0')))
ORDER BY tr.`zipcode_from` DESC, tr.`zipcode_to` DESC, tr.`id_state` DESC, tr.`id_country` DESC
0.7 1 Yes /classes/tax/TaxRulesTaxManager.php:108
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26830 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.7 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26808) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46429) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26825 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.7 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26821) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46455) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26823) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46459) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM ps_orders o
LEFT JOIN ps_order_detail od ON (od.id_order = o.id_order)
WHERE o.valid = 1 AND od.product_id IN (26798)
0.7 1 /modules/crossselling/crossselling.php:133
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26785
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26825) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46463) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26818) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46449) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_shop` a
WHERE (a.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26817) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46447) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26802) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46437 LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26815) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46443) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26829
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.7 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.id_product
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE p.id_product = 26798
"2025-02-19 00:00:00",
) > 0
0.7 0 /classes/Product.php:1278
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE l.id_linksmenutop, l.new_window, s.name, ll.link, ll.label
FROM ps_linksmenutop l
LEFT JOIN ps_linksmenutop_lang ll ON (l.id_linksmenutop = ll.id_linksmenutop AND ll.id_lang = 2 AND ll.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON l.id_shop = s.id_shop
WHERE 1  AND l.id_linksmenutop = "4"
AND l.id_shop IN (0, 1)
0.7 1 /modules/blocktopmenu/menutoplinks.class.php:38
FROM `ps_tax_rule` tr
JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group` trg ON (tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = trg.`id_tax_rules_group`)
WHERE trg.`active` = 1
AND tr.`id_country` = 36
AND tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = 0
AND tr.`id_state` IN (0, 0)
AND ('0' BETWEEN tr.`zipcode_from` AND tr.`zipcode_to`
OR (tr.`zipcode_to` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` IN(0, '0')))
ORDER BY tr.`zipcode_from` DESC, tr.`zipcode_to` DESC, tr.`id_state` DESC, tr.`id_country` DESC
0.7 0 /classes/tax/TaxRulesTaxManager.php:108
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, (
SELECT id_module
FROM `ps_module_shop` ms
WHERE m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
) as mshop
FROM `ps_module` m
0.7 110 /classes/module/Module.php:277
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE domain, domain_ssl
FROM ps_shop_url
WHERE main = 1
AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /classes/shop/ShopUrl.php:169
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26833
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.7 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26797
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26831) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26807 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26796
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.7 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26801 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 20113) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 71 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.6 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26834
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26810) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46433) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.6 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26837) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 44) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.`id_lang`, t.`name`
FROM ps_tag t
LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag)
WHERE pt.`id_product`=26798
0.6 8 /classes/Tag.php:205
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 47) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE cl.`link_rewrite`
FROM `ps_category_lang` cl
WHERE `id_lang` = 0
AND cl.id_shop = 1 
AND cl.`id_category` = 66 LIMIT 1
0.6 0 /classes/Category.php:1054
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26807
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26805 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.6 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26820) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46453) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.6 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26785
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 48) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26812
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 36, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 36) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` IN (0, 26822) AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` IN (0, 46457) AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-19 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.6 4 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:362
INSERT INTO `ps_page_viewed` (`id_date_range`, `id_page`, `counter`, `id_shop`, `id_shop_group`) VALUES ('7859', '7833', '1', '1', '1')
0.6 1 /classes/Page.php:127
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26837
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26832)
0.6 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26784) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26831) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26785) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26797)
0.6 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 73) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26796) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 43 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.6 2 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26791) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.`id_category`, cl.`name`, cl.`link_rewrite`, category_shop.`id_shop`
FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.id_shop = 1 )
INNER JOIN ps_category_shop category_shop
ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE `id_lang` = 2
AND c.`id_parent` = 2
AND `active` = 1
GROUP BY c.`id_category`
ORDER BY category_shop.`position` ASC
0.6 10 Yes Yes /classes/Category.php:859
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26804
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26801
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26804) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26811) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26823) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26818) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26812 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.6 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='578a6051d55765343abf7ea2b52ca7a3' AND cache_id="blocktopmenu|1|1|1|36|product|26798" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26796 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26786) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26789) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26830
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26816) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 64 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.5 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 26798
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.5 3 /classes/Product.php:2743
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26822) AND (id_product_attribute = 46457) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26814) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE l.id_linksmenutop, l.new_window, s.name, ll.link, ll.label
FROM ps_linksmenutop l
LEFT JOIN ps_linksmenutop_lang ll ON (l.id_linksmenutop = ll.id_linksmenutop AND ll.id_lang = 2 AND ll.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON l.id_shop = s.id_shop
WHERE 1  AND l.id_linksmenutop = "3"
AND l.id_shop IN (0, 1)
0.5 1 /modules/blocktopmenu/menutoplinks.class.php:38
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26793
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 35 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.5 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26805
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 20113 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26835) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26808)
0.5 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE cl.`link_rewrite`
FROM `ps_category_lang` cl
WHERE `id_lang` = 2
AND cl.id_shop = 1 
AND cl.`id_category` = 66 LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/Category.php:1054
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.`id_lang`, t.`name`
FROM ps_tag t
LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag)
WHERE pt.`id_product`=26798
0.5 8 /classes/Tag.php:205
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26804 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.5 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26828
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26806
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26797 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26824) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26797
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 72 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.5 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26811
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26830)
0.5 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_currency` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_currency_shop` `c` ON a.`id_currency` = c.`id_currency` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_currency` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE l.*, ls.`id_shop`
FROM `ps_lang` l
LEFT JOIN `ps_lang_shop` ls ON (l.id_lang = ls.id_lang)
0.5 3 /classes/Language.php:777
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26827
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26794
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26806)
0.5 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26810) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26797) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule`
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` qdr
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang` qdrl
ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrl.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrl.`id_lang` = 2)
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message` qdrm
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrm.`hook_name` = 'hookDisplayTop')
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message_lang` qdrml
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` = qdrml.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` AND qdrml.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE qdr.`active` = 1
AND `id_family` = 1
ORDER BY qdr.`priority` ASC, qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` ASC
0.5 3 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:271
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26832
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26828
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26832) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_group_lang`
WHERE `id_group` = 1
0.5 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46471 LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26821
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46429 LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 26798 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.5 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26827) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26801)
0.5 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module_shop` WHERE `id_module` = 11 AND `id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2218
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26835
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26829) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26829)
0.5 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_lang` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_lang_shop` `c` ON a.`id_lang` = c.`id_lang` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_lang` = 2) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26817) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26806) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 64) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26827) AND (id_product_attribute = 46467) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26824
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26816
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26813
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_hook_module` hm
LEFT JOIN `ps_hook` h ON (h.`id_hook` = hm.`id_hook`)
WHERE h.`name` = 'moduleRoutes' AND hm.`id_module` = 112 LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2237
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE DISTINCT a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name` as `attribute`, agl.`name` as `group`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 2)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 2)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = pa.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_attribute_shop attribute_shop
ON (attribute_shop.id_attribute = pac.id_attribute AND attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 26798
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:5677
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26787
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.id_category, cl.name, cl.link_rewrite
FROM ps_category c
LEFT JOIN ps_category_lang cl ON (cl.id_category = c.id_category AND cl.id_shop = 1 )
INNER JOIN ps_category_shop category_shop
ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE c.nleft <= 96
AND c.nright >= 97
AND c.nleft >= 2
AND c.nright <= 117
AND cl.id_lang = 2
AND c.active = 1
AND c.level_depth > 1
ORDER BY c.level_depth ASC
0.4 14 Yes /classes/Tools.php:1308
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26801) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26810 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26798
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26822
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26836 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26812)
0.4 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `name`, `meta_title`, `meta_description`, `meta_keywords`, `description_short`
FROM `ps_product` p
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl ON (pl.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND pl.id_shop = 1 )
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pl.id_lang = 2
AND pl.id_product = 26798
AND product_shop.active = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Meta.php:259
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26825
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26828) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46427 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26829) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 74) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26836)
0.4 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26834) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26823
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 42) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 20113)
0.4 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26812 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26830) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26784
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_tab, class_name FROM `ps_tab`
0.4 133 /classes/Tab.php:296
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26838
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26806
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ctg.`id_group`
FROM `ps_category_product` cp
INNER JOIN `ps_category_group` ctg ON (ctg.`id_category` = cp.`id_category`)
WHERE cp.`id_product` = 26798 AND ctg.`id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 2 /classes/Product.php:4917
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26809
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE DISTINCT la.`id_attribute`, la.`url_name` as `attribute`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = pa.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_layered_indexable_attribute_lang_value` la
ON (la.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND la.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE la.`url_name` IS NOT NULL AND la.`url_name` != ''
AND pa.`id_product` = 26798
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:5620
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26801) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26813) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26792)
0.4 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26798 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_connections`
WHERE `id_guest` = 10702293
AND `date_add` > '2025-02-19 12:24:00'
AND id_shop IN (1) 
ORDER BY `date_add` DESC LIMIT 1
0.4 1 Yes /classes/Connection.php:138
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 34) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26802) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26822) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26814)
0.4 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26833) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26828) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26811)
0.4 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26819) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 49) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26831 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26815
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46473 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26797 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46465 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
(`template_hash`, `cache_id`, `compile_id`, `last_update`)
VALUES ('578a6051d55765343abf7ea2b52ca7a3',"blocktopmenu|1|1|1|36|product|26798","", FROM_UNIXTIME(1739962483))
0.4 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:263
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26787) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26786
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26820
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26798)
0.4 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26826
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46469 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26806) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule`
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` qdr
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang` qdrl
ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrl.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrl.`id_lang` = 2)
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message` qdrm
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrm.`hook_name` = 'hookDisplayFooter')
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message_lang` qdrml
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` = qdrml.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` AND qdrml.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE qdr.`active` = 1
AND `id_family` = 1
ORDER BY qdr.`priority` ASC, qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` ASC
0.4 3 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:271
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
(`template_hash`, `cache_id`, `compile_id`, `last_update`)
VALUES ('6c3b7ea0ab2edde66729f86a838a62af',"crossselling|productfooter|26798|1|1|1|36","", FROM_UNIXTIME(1739962484))
0.4 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:263
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26789) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 39) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26824 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26825) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 66) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26807
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26785)
0.4 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26792
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(DISTINCT c.id_currency) FROM `ps_currency` c
LEFT JOIN ps_currency_shop cs ON (cs.id_currency = c.id_currency AND cs.id_shop = 1)
WHERE c.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 3 /classes/Currency.php:470
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE IFNULL(left_column, default_left_column) as left_column, IFNULL(right_column, default_right_column) as right_column
FROM ps_theme t
LEFT JOIN ps_theme_meta tm ON (t.id_theme = tm.id_theme)
LEFT JOIN ps_meta m ON (m.id_meta = tm.id_meta)
WHERE t.id_theme =5 AND m.page = "product" LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Theme.php:275
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 73 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE `from` BETWEEN '2025-02-19 00:00:00' AND '2025-02-19 23:59:59' LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:302
FROM `ps_cms` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_cms_lang` `b` ON a.`id_cms` = b.`id_cms` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_cms_shop` `c` ON a.`id_cms` = c.`id_cms` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_cms` = 3) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_flush) as last_flush FROM `ps_smarty_last_flush` WHERE type='compile' LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:95
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26808) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_manufacturer`
WHERE `id_manufacturer` = 0
AND `active` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Manufacturer.php:246
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26825)
0.4 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26827) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26809) AND (id_product_attribute = 46431) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26836) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26836
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = "blocklayered" LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2568
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26793 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE RTG_ID as id,RTG_SHOP_ID as shopId,RTG_PROD_ID as prodId,RTG_LANG_ID as langId,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(RTG_DATE_ADD) as dateAdd,RTG_NOTE as note,RTG_STATUS as status,RTG_CUST_ID as custId,RTG_DATA as data ,AFS_ID as afsId,AFS_TYPE as type,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AFS_DATE_ADD) as replyDateAdd,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AFS_DATE_UPD) as replyDateUpd,AFS_DISPLAY as replyDisplay,AFS_DATA as replyData, c.firstname as firstname, c.lastname as lastname, c.email as email FROM ps_gsr_rating as r LEFT JOIN ps_gsr_aftersales as afs ON (r.RTG_ID = afs.AFS_ID AND afs.AFS_TYPE = "rating") LEFT JOIN ps_customer as c ON c.id_customer = r.RTG_CUST_ID WHERE r.RTG_STATUS = "1"  AND r.RTG_SHOP_ID  = 1  AND r.RTG_PROD_ID  = 26798  AND r.RTG_LANG_ID  = 2  ORDER BY dateAdd DESC LIMIT 0,0
0.4 0 /modules/gsnippetsreviews/lib/reviews/rating-dao_class.php:328
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26817
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE `to` BETWEEN '2025-02-19 00:00:00' AND '2025-02-19 23:59:59' LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:306
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.id_product
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE p.id_product = 26798
"2025-02-19 00:00:00",
) > 0
0.4 0 /classes/Product.php:1278
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26814
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26810
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 50 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26796) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26824) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 42 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 69) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26810)
0.4 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 20113) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_currency_shop`
WHERE `id_currency` = 1
AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:1458
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26786)
0.4 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26793) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 40) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 49 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='9a70d8247b2aa0951a98ed5c8957765c' AND cache_id="stgadwordsconversion|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE nleft, nright, level_depth
FROM ps_category
WHERE id_category = 2 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Category.php:1477
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26837)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26809 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_hook_alias`
0.3 86 /classes/Hook.php:187
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
WHERE 1 AND qdrf.active = 1
ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
0.3 1 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRuleFamily.php:57
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26787) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 40 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26802)
0.3 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26797) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26832 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 2)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 2)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 26819
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.3 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:4452
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26794) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.*, product_attribute_shop.*, ag.`id_attribute_group`, ag.`is_color_group`, agl.`name` AS group_name, al.`name` AS attribute_name,
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON pac.`id_product_attribute` = pa.`id_product_attribute`
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON ag.`id_attribute_group` = a.`id_attribute_group`
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 2)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl ON (ag.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 26798
GROUP BY pa.`id_product_attribute`, ag.`id_attribute_group`
ORDER BY pa.`id_product_attribute`
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:2092
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 26798
ORDER BY `position`
0.3 3 Yes /classes/Product.php:2721
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26831)
0.3 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26815) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26835)
0.3 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26808) AND (id_product_attribute = 46429) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26828)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26793) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26784)
0.3 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26794) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26793)
0.3 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='e2875a9d35754cf822c4bb8bf424ac3e' AND cache_id="blockcategories|1|1|1|36|66|1" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26820) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26833)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 52) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 68) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26816)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 45 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26786) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='a47690dbfd300b524fa2966b3b7eb508' AND cache_id="blockcontactinfos|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26785 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule`
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` qdr
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang` qdrl
ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrl.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrl.`id_lang` = 2)
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message` qdrm
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrm.`hook_name` = 'hookDisplayProductTab')
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message_lang` qdrml
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` = qdrml.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` AND qdrml.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE qdr.`active` = 1
AND `id_family` = 1
ORDER BY qdr.`priority` ASC, qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` ASC
0.3 3 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:271
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26833) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26830) AND (id_product_attribute = 46473) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE count(*) as count FROM ps_gsr_rating WHERE RTG_SHOP_ID = 1 AND RTG_STATUS = "1" AND RTG_PROD_ID = 26798 AND RTG_LANG_ID = 2
0.3 1 /modules/gsnippetsreviews/lib/reviews/rating-dao_class.php:367
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26786
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 26821) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26823) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26826)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26829 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule`
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` qdr
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang` qdrl
ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrl.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrl.`id_lang` = 2)
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message` qdrm
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrm.`hook_name` = 'hookDisplayProductButtons')
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message_lang` qdrml
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` = qdrml.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` AND qdrml.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE qdr.`active` = 1
AND `id_family` = 1
ORDER BY qdr.`priority` ASC, qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` ASC
0.3 3 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:271
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule`
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` qdr
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang` qdrl
ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrl.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrl.`id_lang` = 2)
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message` qdrm
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrm.`hook_name` = 'hookDisplayLeftColumnProduct')
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message_lang` qdrml
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` = qdrml.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` AND qdrml.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE qdr.`active` = 1
AND `id_family` = 1
ORDER BY qdr.`priority` ASC, qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` ASC
0.3 3 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:271
DELETE FROM ps_required_field
0.3 1 /modules/onepagecheckoutps/onepagecheckoutps.php:289
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26829) AND (id_product_attribute = 46471) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = "quantitydiscountpro" LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2568
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26801
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26815)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26829 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_shop_group` a
WHERE (a.`id_shop_group` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26813
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_lang_shop`
WHERE `id_lang` = 2
AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:1458
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26796)
0.3 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26787)
0.3 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26808 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26805) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26809)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26785) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26833
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26835 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_group`
WHERE `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Group.php:133
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='db9c2fc3f7068fb558b20640a77c030b' AND cache_id="blockmyaccountfooter|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26793 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26826
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26802 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26827)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
UPDATE `ps_page_viewed`
SET `counter` = `counter` + 1
WHERE `id_date_range` = 7859
AND `id_page` = 7833
AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 1 /classes/Page.php:118
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26812
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46467 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26811) AND (id_product_attribute = 46435) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule`
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` qdr
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang` qdrl
ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrl.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrl.`id_lang` = 2)
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message` qdrm
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrm.`hook_name` = 'hookDisplayRightColumnProduct')
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message_lang` qdrml
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` = qdrml.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` AND qdrml.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE qdr.`active` = 1
AND `id_family` = 1
ORDER BY qdr.`priority` ASC, qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` ASC
0.3 3 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:271
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 50) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26787 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26809 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26793
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_page`
WHERE `id_page_type` = 4 AND `id_object` = 26798 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Page.php:77
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26798
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26796
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_hook_module` hm
LEFT JOIN `ps_hook` h ON (h.`id_hook` = hm.`id_hook`)
WHERE h.`name` = 'displayPrestaHomeBlogAfterPostContent' AND hm.`id_module` = 112 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2237
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26812) AND (id_product_attribute = 46437) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_tax_lang`
WHERE `id_tax` = 1
0.3 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule`
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` qdr
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang` qdrl
ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrl.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrl.`id_lang` = 2)
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message` qdrm
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrm.`hook_name` = 'hookDisplayFooterProduct')
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message_lang` qdrml
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` = qdrml.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` AND qdrml.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE qdr.`active` = 1
AND `id_family` = 1
ORDER BY qdr.`priority` ASC, qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` ASC
0.3 3 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:271
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26792 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26785 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_everpspopup` ep
LEFT JOIN `ps_everpspopup_lang` `epl` ON ep.id_everpspopup = epl.id_everpspopup
WHERE (ep.active = 1) AND (epl.id_lang = 2)
0.3 2 /modules/everpspopup/models/EverPsPopupClass.php:182
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46431 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26820)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26832) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_customer`
WHERE (id_customer = 2296)
0.3 1 /modules/onepagecheckoutps/onepagecheckoutps.php:259
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE depends_on_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:648
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26835
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46461 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_themeconfigurator`
WHERE id_shop = 1 AND id_lang = 2
AND hook = 'footer' AND active = 1
ORDER BY item_order ASC
0.3 19 Yes /modules/themeconfigurator/themeconfigurator.php:375
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='ba83aa55da0200a143d9f3e57fa69fd5' AND cache_id="blockcontact|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26809) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `width`, `height`
FROM ps_image_type
WHERE `name` = 'large_default' LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Image.php:471
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26804)
0.3 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26828 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 52 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26834) AND (id_product_attribute = 46477) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26831 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26807) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26798
AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:1458
FROM `ps_category_shop`
WHERE `id_category` = 66
AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:1458
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule`
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` qdr
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang` qdrl
ON (qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdrl.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrl.`id_lang` = 2)
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message` qdrm
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` AND qdrm.`hook_name` = 'hookDisplayProductTabContent')
INNER JOIN `ps_quantity_discount_rule_message_lang` qdrml
ON (qdrm.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` = qdrml.`id_quantity_discount_rule_message` AND qdrml.`id_lang` = 2)
WHERE qdr.`active` = 1
AND `id_family` = 1
ORDER BY qdr.`priority` ASC, qdr.`id_quantity_discount_rule` ASC
0.3 3 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRule.php:271
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 38 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26817)
0.3 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26805
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 20113
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute
FROM ps_product_attribute pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.id_product = 26798 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:752
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26828) AND (id_product_attribute = 46469) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26813) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26819)
0.2 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26818)
0.2 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26791)
0.2 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26825) AND (id_product_attribute = 46463) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26802 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26813)
0.2 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26816) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26821)
0.2 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26830
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46439 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26816) AND (id_product_attribute = 46445) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='23bb9efed67c343fab0638522ec75640' AND cache_id="blocksearch-top|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE out_of_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:672
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 48 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.2 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26822)
0.2 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26816 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26834
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26794 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26791
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26837
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26835 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.id_product
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE p.id_product = 26798
"2025-02-19 00:00:00",
) > 0
0.2 0 /classes/Product.php:1278
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.id_product
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE p.id_product = 26798
"2025-02-19 00:00:00",
) > 0
0.2 0 /classes/Product.php:1278
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26837) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26810) AND (id_product_attribute = 46433) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26802
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.`id_lang`, t.`name`
FROM ps_tag t
LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag)
WHERE pt.`id_product`=26798
0.2 8 /classes/Tag.php:205
FROM `ps_tax` a
WHERE (a.`id_tax` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26808 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 34 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.2 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26791) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
WHERE 1 AND qdrf.active = 1
ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
0.2 1 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRuleFamily.php:57
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE depends_on_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:648
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26834)
0.2 2 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26810
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46475 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26830) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26826 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26787
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='df5a7149665d48923b3ceaa9c0e7ba5c' AND cache_id="productscategory|26798|66|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26807 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE img FROM ps_psograph_images WHERE type = "indexImage" AND id_lang = 2 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /modules/psograph/psograph.php:300
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46481 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26812) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = "bestkit_lazyloading" LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2568
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26792 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26832
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module_shop` WHERE `id_module` = 258 AND `id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2218
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26794 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 26838)
0.2 1 /override/classes/Product.php:188
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='6c3b7ea0ab2edde66729f86a838a62af' AND cache_id="crossselling|productfooter|26798|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26837 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 68 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.2 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26806 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 51) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26792) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26823) AND (id_product_attribute = 46459) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 51 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.2 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_page_type
FROM ps_page_type
WHERE name = 'product' LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Page.php:96
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE count(*) as count FROM ps_gsr_rating WHERE RTG_SHOP_ID = 1 AND RTG_STATUS = "1" AND RTG_PROD_ID = 26798 AND RTG_LANG_ID = 2
0.2 1 /modules/gsnippetsreviews/lib/reviews/rating-dao_class.php:367
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26829
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46433 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26814 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
WHERE 1 AND qdrf.active = 1
ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
0.2 1 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRuleFamily.php:57
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46447 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26784 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 72) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26789 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26838
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26784) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26804) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26798 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46457 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46435 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26807) AND (id_product_attribute = 46427) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26833) AND (id_product_attribute = 46475) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26794
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46445 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26786 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
WHERE 1 AND qdrf.active = 1
ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
0.2 1 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRuleFamily.php:57
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26821) AND (id_product_attribute = 46455) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26825) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='0fc980541d583ca4960998c2e87bc37a' AND cache_id="blockcms|2|1|1|1|36" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.`id_lang`, t.`name`
FROM ps_tag t
LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag)
WHERE pt.`id_product`=26798
0.2 8 /classes/Tag.php:205
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26801 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_flush) as last_flush FROM `ps_smarty_last_flush` WHERE type='template' LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SmartyCustom.php:142
FROM `ps_customer_group`
WHERE (id_customer = 2296)
0.2 1 /modules/onepagecheckoutps/onepagecheckoutps.php:264
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26791 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26817) AND (id_product_attribute = 46447) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 36) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26826) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26823
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26810) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_everpspopup` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_everpspopup_lang` `b` ON a.`id_everpspopup` = b.`id_everpspopup` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
WHERE (a.`id_everpspopup` = 2) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_group_shop`
WHERE `id_group` = 1
AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:1458
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46441 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26815) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
WHERE 1 AND qdrf.active = 1
ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
0.2 1 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRuleFamily.php:57
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46453 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26804
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26814 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46459 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26836
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26817
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = "onepagecheckoutps" LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2568
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 35) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26822
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26814) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26813) AND (id_product_attribute = 46439) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ctg.`id_group`
FROM ps_category_group ctg
WHERE ctg.`id_category` = 66 AND ctg.`id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Category.php:1309
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26827 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46443 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
WHERE 1 AND qdrf.active = 1
ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
0.2 1 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRuleFamily.php:57
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26824
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26814) AND (id_product_attribute = 46441) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE out_of_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:672
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26815) AND (id_product_attribute = 46443) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26808
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26833 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26816
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46455 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26789
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26835) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26815
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
WHERE 1 AND qdrf.active = 1
ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
0.2 1 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRuleFamily.php:57
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 37 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.2 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 33 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.2 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46477 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `width`, `height`
FROM ps_image_type
WHERE `name` = 'home_default' LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Image.php:471
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26786 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26836) AND (id_product_attribute = 46479) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE hm.`id_module`
FROM `ps_hook_module` hm, `ps_hook` h
WHERE hm.`id_module` = 243 AND h.`id_hook` = 16
AND h.`id_hook` = hm.`id_hook` AND `id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/module/Module.php:909
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46463 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46451 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46449 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_lang`
WHERE `id_quantity_discount_rule` = 8
0.2 21 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26815 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule` a
WHERE (a.`id_quantity_discount_rule` = 8) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26818
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26811 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26819) AND (id_product_attribute = 46451) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26818 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26821 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26830 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26837) AND (id_product_attribute = 46481) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26805 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26824) AND (id_product_attribute = 46461) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26817 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `width`, `height`
FROM ps_image_type
WHERE `name` = 'medium_default' LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Image.php:471
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26811 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26821 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26791 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE nleft, nright, level_depth
FROM ps_category
WHERE id_category = 66 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Category.php:1477
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26820 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE out_of_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:672
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26832 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26825 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26804 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26821) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26819
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 33) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26833 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26823 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26826 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 38) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26838 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
WHERE 1 AND qdrf.active = 1
ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
0.2 1 Yes /modules/quantitydiscountpro/classes/QuantityDiscountRuleFamily.php:57
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26816 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26819) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26810 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26820) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26784 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.`price`
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = 46479 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Combination.php:343
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26827
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_product_attribute`
FROM `ps_product_attribute`
WHERE `id_product` = 26798
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:2167
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE depends_on_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:648
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `width`, `height`
FROM ps_image_type
WHERE `name` = 'cart_default' LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Image.php:471
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26836) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 37) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26834 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26828 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.2 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26813 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26826) AND (id_product_attribute = 46465) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26818) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26821
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_everpspopup` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_everpspopup_lang` `b` ON a.`id_everpspopup` = b.`id_everpspopup` AND b.`id_lang` = 2
WHERE (a.`id_everpspopup` = 3) LIMIT 1
0.2 1 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26787 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26811
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26813 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26837 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_required_field, object_name, field_name
FROM ps_required_field
0.1 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:1376
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26823 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26825
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26838) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26815 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 36 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.1 3 /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26819 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26824 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26834 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26819 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE out_of_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:672
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26820
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26822) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 26814
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:196
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26836 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = "blockcategories" LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2568
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_shop FROM ps_shop
0.1 1 /classes/shop/Shop.php:697
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26822 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE depends_on_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26798) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:648
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26818 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26838 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26817) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26796 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26820) AND (id_product_attribute = 46453) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 26818) AND (id_product_attribute = 46449) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:380
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26817 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26827 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
WHERE `id_product` = 26822 AND `id_group` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 0 /classes/GroupReduction.php:149
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_tax_rules_group`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
WHERE `id_product` = 26820 AND id_shop=1 LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/Product.php:5033
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module_shop` WHERE `id_module` = 7 AND `id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.1 1 /classes/module/Module.php:2218


SELECT SUM(quantity)
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = XX) AND (id_product_attribute = XX) AND (id_shop = XX) AND (id_shop_group = XX) LIMIT XX
							SELECT `id_tax_rules_group`
							FROM `ps_product_shop`
							WHERE `id_product` = XX AND id_shop=XX LIMIT XX
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = XX
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = XX
WHERE (a.`id_product` = XX) AND (b.`id_shop` = XX) LIMIT XX
			SELECT `reduction`
			FROM `ps_product_group_reduction_cache`
			WHERE `id_product` = XX AND `id_group` = XX LIMIT XX
SELECT product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,XX) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = XX)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = XX)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = XX)
				SELECT `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
				FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
				WHERE `id_product` = XX
				ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT XX
				SELECT name, value, pf.id_feature
				FROM ps_feature_product pf
				LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = XX)
				LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = XX)
				LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = XX)
				 INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
		ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = XX)
				WHERE pf.id_product = XX
				ORDER BY f.position ASC
			SELECT *, ( IF (`id_group` = XX, XX, XX) +  IF (`id_country` = XX, XX, XX) +  IF (`id_currency` = XX, XX, XX) +  IF (`id_shop` = XX, XX, XX) +  IF (`id_customer` = XX, XX, XX)) AS `score`
				FROM `ps_specific_price`
                `id_shop` IN (XX, XX) AND
                `id_currency` IN (XX, XX) AND
                `id_country` IN (XX, XX) AND
                `id_group` IN (XX, XX) AND `id_product` IN (XX, XX) AND `id_customer` = XX AND `id_product_attribute` IN (XX, XX) AND `id_cart` = XX  AND (`from` = 'XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX' OR 'XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX' >= `from`) AND (`to` = 'XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX' OR 'XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX' <= `to`)
				AND IF(`from_quantity` > XX, `from_quantity`, XX) <= XX ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT XX
			SELECT product_attribute_shop.`price`
			FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
			 INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
		ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = XX)
			WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` = XX LIMIT XX
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = XX
WHERE (a.`id_category` = XX) LIMIT XX
							FROM `ps_category_lang`
							WHERE `id_category` = XX AND `id_shop` = XX
			SELECT *, ( IF (`id_group` = XX, XX, XX) +  IF (`id_country` = XX, XX, XX) +  IF (`id_currency` = XX, XX, XX) +  IF (`id_shop` = XX, XX, XX) +  IF (`id_customer` = XX, XX, XX)) AS `score`
				FROM `ps_specific_price`
                `id_shop` IN (XX, XX) AND
                `id_currency` IN (XX, XX) AND
                `id_country` IN (XX, XX) AND
                `id_group` IN (XX, XX) AND `id_product` IN (XX, XX) AND `id_customer` = XX AND `id_product_attribute` = XX AND `id_cart` = XX  AND (`from` = 'XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX' OR 'XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX' >= `from`) AND (`to` = 'XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX' OR 'XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX' <= `to`)
				AND IF(`from_quantity` > XX, `from_quantity`, XX) <= XX ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT XX
SELECT qdrf.*
            FROM `ps_quantity_discount_rule_family` qdrf
            WHERE XX AND qdrf.active = XX
            ORDER BY qdrf.priority ASC
SELECT out_of_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = XX) AND (id_product_attribute = XX) AND (id_shop = XX) AND (id_shop_group = XX) LIMIT XX
		SELECT t.`id_lang`, t.`name`
		FROM ps_tag t
		LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag)
		WHERE pt.`id_product`=XX
SELECT depends_on_stock
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = XX) AND (id_product_attribute = XX) AND (id_shop = XX) AND (id_shop_group = XX) LIMIT XX
				SELECT m.`id_module`, m.`name`, (
					SELECT id_module
					FROM `ps_module_shop` ms
					WHERE m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
					AND ms.`id_shop` = XX
				) as mshop
				FROM `ps_module` m